Sunday, August 16, 2009

VMG bearing, Iphone sailing App, MotionX

I think I might have found our new Wednesday racing VMG tool for those of us who are iphone users. If we use this heavily, it might be worth while to get a waterproof cover with wrist/pocket strap or something. It looks like it will be very easy for us to enter in the marker letter’s lat /lon and then track bearing, VMG, time average speed, distance.
Here are some other boats that are using this:
Transpac, Columbia River Oregon:
View Race path in google maps:

I hope to use this two Wednesdays from now and will post results, if successful. My biggest concern is loosing my iphone overboard. Maybe there is a retractable strap that could clip inside the bottom of my shirt pocket and then connect to a waterproof iphone case.

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