Sunday, February 7, 2010

Baltimore Ignition Grant Planning

UPDATE 3-7-10 - I made a website called specifically for my bike project. You can track that project in detail there.

What: Ignite Baltimore is offering a $1,500 grant to start a new idea.  If approved, this grant will utilize about $390 of funds from the 1st ignition grant.

Goal:  Increase usage, knowledge and appreciation of parks & trails in the Baltimore area.

Background:  Our city has invested millions on parks, but they continue to be underutilized.  Health care costs and obesity are ballooning out of control.   Our parks are a great free way to stay fit and enjoy the outdoors!

Method: 5 minute video clips of Baltimore trails
  • Accelerated video of entire trail  (example below)
  • Pauses to show highlights from the trail
  • Map overlay to help viewer understand geography (example below)
  • Help viewers understand trail difficulty through Elevation overlay

Target trails:
Equipment Donated, Loaned, or free:
  • HD Video camera (on loan from ($600)
  • Image stabilization equipment (on loan / rented / TBD from Doug Curtis)
  • 2 batteries (on loan from (~$150)
  • Wide angle lens (on loan from  (~$180)
  • Video editing equipment (on loan from (~$2,000)
  • Video storage  (on loan from ~50$
  • Bike with shocks for image stabilization(on loan)  (~$1,000)
  • Blog hosting at (free)
  • HD Video hosting at and (free)
Labor donations:
  • 3-6 days of video recording  -1 day per trail
  • 3-6 days of video editing -1 day per trail
Items needed from grant:
  • $100 Extra camera battery for long trails BP-819
  • $250 Barometric pressure corrected altitude recording GPS device (Garmin Edge 500)
  • $40 Purchase of domain name for 5 years to hold completed video, text & blog content
  • $50 Shipping &packing costs of image stabilization equipment
  •  $849 purchase an OPTIONAL professional image stablizer mount 
Samples of test efforts:

  • Video above is a test video recorded to Dickeyville
  • Audio would be cleaned or replaced

  • Video is a sample of the map in difficulty 
  • Elevation is broken due to lack of barometric pressure altitude correction
  • Elevation measurements will be corrected with the Garmin edge 500

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