Thursday, July 7, 2011

My iPhone Apps List

Some friends of mine just bought iPhones and they wanted to know what apps to get.  Other than the built in apps, below are the apps I use on my phone.   For a list of hacked apps, see my pervious post.  

Apps I'm currently using: 
  • Facebook - Free.
  • Google Voice – Free. Ring multiple phones, find me features, txting on your desktop, Call Screening, voicemail to email, voicemail transcription
  • Navigon $60.  I happen to use this for navigation, but any nav app will do
  • Drop box – Free App.  Click the link to get a free account first. Great for file syncing. 
  • Chipoltle – Free.  I mainly have this because they just built a location below my office but their iphone app rocks.  It's great being able to jump the line with a prepaid to-go order.   
  • Google Search App - Free.
  • Flashlight - $1. You can probably hunt for an ad supported free one.
  • Epicurious Free. iphone/ipad for cooking recipes
  • Twitter –Free
  • Free. For personal finance tracking.
  • Airfoil speakers Free with purchase of desktop/laptop software.  (Turns my iphone into an airfoil /Airplay location) 
  • NY Times – 20 articles a month are free.
  • Instapper – $5.  Great way to store articles to read stuff later
  • Dragon Dictation – Free.  Your voice to Text for SMS or e-mail. 
  • Pandora - Free.
  • Go DC Metro- Free.  Great map with metro times for Washington, DC
  • Google's Latitude Free. If you want to share your location or find where your friends are, consider this tool.
  • Paypal – Free.  I don't use this very often but it is nice to have.
  • Zillow – Free. Look up how much surrounding houses around my current position are selling for. 
  • Foursquare - Free.  This is a huge waste of time but I still use it. 
  • Itap Remote control - $ If I need to remotely control a computer, these suite of apps are nice to have. 
Must have apps when traveling
Kindle Free. I used it for e-travel books and this allowed me to carry only one device.
zGPS - Free. Only for hacked iphones allows you to cache gooogle maps when traveling. 
City maps to go Paid. Gives you cached maps when international roaming is expensive or not available.

Apps I'm trying that I like so far
Cardmunch.  Free. Scan and OCR your cards with a photo.  Just got bought by LinkedIn.
Day one– $2 - A daily journal tool.

Apps I used in the past. 
Slacker – I switched to pandora.  I like Pandora's randomized music selection better but really miss slacker's caching feature.
Worldcard – If all goes well with cardmunch I'm switching to that app. Card munch is free and uses real humans for the OCR.

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